Welcome to our blog!

First off, a big shouting 'Hello!' to everyone, and welcome to the blog of globetrotters Peter & Shujan.
This blog is our way to keep friends and family up to date with our world trip, planned to start on the 1st of October. Yes, ofcourse we won't forget our homebase ;-) We plan to update this blog regularly, as long as there is an internet connection available.

Also, if you want get to know us better, take a look at the Biography section. For those who prefer to watch pictures, feel free to browse our Pictures... a picture says more than a thousand words right?

Lastly, don't forget to check out the travel map. This wonderful piece of technology enable us to display accurate information of our travelling progress and our current staying.

That being said, we hope that this blog will provide you with enough material to get a taste from ourShujan and Peter adventures abroad.
We surely will have the time of our lives..!


Shujan & Peter

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Know thy languages!

Donec commodo. Sed a elit. Morbi ipsum eros, malesuada et, sagittis sodales, volutpat in, magna. Praesent condimentum interdum risus. Praesent tellus. Mauris nisl. Nam blandit eros quis eros. Aliquam a nulla. Proin at velit ac turpis placerat facilisis. Donec neque.

Donec augue. Suspendisse ac magna. Duis pretium magna vitae libero. Ut ultricies metus eu eros. Proin sed felis. Vestibulum ornare sollicitudin nulla. Nulla rhoncus, felis et pulvinar porta, orci turpis posuere turpis, id malesuada eros elit sit amet quam. Cras aliquet, sem vel varius adipiscing, orci dolor fermentum nulla, id condimentum massa dolor ut eros. Vestibulum a turpis. Phasellus facilisis adipiscing nunc. Nunc nonummy orci. Integer sodales viverra dolor. Vestibulum urna nulla, sagittis vitae, consequat non, cursus quis, odio. Donec ullamcorper, justo sit amet rutrum rutrum, massa nisi bibendum lacus, ut volutpat pede mi vel tellus. Suspendisse tincidunt, metus sed tempor lobortis, mi augue fermentum turpis, non porta lacus mauris sit amet mi. Ut varius. Pellentesque eget risus. In lacinia.


Mersu said...

Hey Shujan & Peter,

Ik wil jullie nog even snel geluk toewensen en have the time of your life guys!!!
Take care!!
Laat zsm iets van jullie horen.

xxxxxx, Mersu

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

ieder wekelijks een euro trouwens tot jullie terug zijn

Anonymous said...



Dominggus Salampessy said...

lol @ de wekelijkse euro.

beter stort je elke week 1 euro :D

The Travel Map

Starting from the Kingdom of The Netherlands, this is our travel route up till the last blog-update.
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